Saturday, April 2, 2011

SOP for Receipt of On-line Rejected Materials

To lay down a procedure for Receipt of “On-line Rejected Materials”.
Production, Packing hold area and dispensing area.
Officer- Production / Officer - Warehouse
Assistant Manager - Production and Asst.Manager -Warehouse.
5.1 On-line rejected materials to be received with On-line rejection note duly signed by the Assistant Manager - Production./Quality Assurance.
5.2 On-line rejected material to be labelled as “On-line rejects”.
5.3 On-line rejected labels are to be signed by the Officer Production /Officer - Quality Assurance Department.
5.4 Stock return note to be raised by the Officer - Production for returning the On-line rejects and counter signed by Quality Assurance.
5.5 The stock return note to contain the S.No. and Date of On line Rejection with reasons.
5.6 The On-line rejected material to be sent to Dispensing room properly labelled along with a Online rejection note.
5.7 The On-line rejected material to be weighed inside the Dispensing room by Officer - Warehouse in presence of Officer - Production.
5.8 The stock return note to be signed by Officer - Warehouse and countersigned by the Officer - Production.
5.9 The On-line rejected material to be taken to Raw-material/Packing material Warehouse through the pass box and stored in rejected area.
5.10 On line rejections should be informed to Purchase Department with in a week for their further action.
5.11 Post the online rejected quantities with details in SAP.

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