Sunday, November 6, 2016

Linearity Graph, Correlation Coefficient, Slope & Intercept

An easy MS-Excel calculation sheet 
Linearity Graph, Correlation Coefficient, Slope & Intercept.
Download it from below link

Friday, September 18, 2015

Taking the Scientific Method Approach to Root Cause Analysis

Taking the Scientific Method Approach to Root Cause Analysis

Reference/Credit: ASQ
You probably take it for granted that root cause analysis should be empirical-that is, verifiable by observation or experience rather than just theory. In "real life," organizational approaches to finding a root cause don't always pan out this way because people are anxious for answers. However, author and expert Matthew Barsalou suggests that the scientific method may be a good approach to root cause analysis

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How To Operate ElabDisso Software

A Step By Step Video Tutorial
How To Operate ElabDisso Software
Electrolab Dissolution Tester.